Philip 2:12-13
Lk 16:12
Eph 2:8-10
Rom 5:1-2
Philip 4:7-16
Heb 11:6-7
- May we see the Lord
- its available to us
- make it a priority
- Keeps us on track
- What is God after in your life? To make you like Jesus His Son
- There is a difference between trying to convince God to do something, and “Its already mine, how do I lay hold of it”?
- There are also spiritual laws in place; there is a way faith works, grace works
- E,g, James: you don’t have because you don’t ask, and ask with wrong motives
- Speak and do not doubt
- So what do we do?
- Start here: what you do know to do, do.
- Without being faithful with a little, how will be