Eph 2:8-9
Eph 1:3-5
Rom. 5:1-2
Rom 6:1
2Cor 5:6-10
Ps 90:11-12
Ex 33:12-18
(Teaching was a review/reinforcement of previous week, really)
- We have been saved by grace but that doesn’t mean my behaviour doesn’t matter
- Settle for a language of blessing without the experience of it
- Less than what God offering
- The moment you believe in Jesus certain things become true of you
- Our words/understanding and our experience doesn’t line up, should not settle for
- So what has to change?
- God - NO
- Someone else - NO
- ME and what I think
- God wants to do more for you than just healing, provision, etc
- Moses: if I have found favour with you, let me know YOU
- not know Your ways that I don’t mess up
- On a journey of knowing Him
- Your grace is so extraordinary that it doesn’t matter what I do, you’ll bless me anyway
- i.e your experience of the blessing you are entitled to will be lacking
- Present to God a heart of wisdom
Grace means even if I have been foolish all my life, I can change now
The grace of GOd is NOT an escape mechanism for the consequences of my choice
The choice to sin cost GOD something - wasn’t free
WRONG to think Grace means my choices make no difference